Spur gears / gear wheels - plastic

Plastic spur gears / gear wheels - modules 1–4
• straight toothing
• 20° pressure angle
• up to 60 teeth with one-sided hub
• from 80 teeth onwards as spur gear disc
• material: PA6
• available directly from stock
The CAD data, illustrations and technical drawings offered here by G&G Antriebstechnik GmbH have been created and checked with the greatest possible care. However, no guarantee is given for their completeness, up-to-dateness and usefulness. No liability and/or warranty claims can be derived from the use of the data and illustrations in question.
Some of the illustrations may be based on simplifications, especially if they are not supported by exact dimensions - this must be taken into account for designs or calculations.
We reserve the right to make changes due to the continuous development of our product portfolio and individual products.
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